a, aarrr, abilities, ability, ability's, able, abler, ablest, aboard, abominable, about, above, absence, absences, absence's, absent, absented, absenting, absently, absented, absenting, absently, absents absents .
. to absent | absented | absented absenting | absents
. nonexistent, absent, absented, absenting, absents),
Derived forms: absenting, absents, absented. See also: away, awol, inattentive, introuvable, . absently absentminded absentmindedly absentmindedness absinth
To keep (oneself) away: They absented themselves from the . absently [
(redirected from absents) . To keep (oneself) away: They absented themselves from the . absenting absently absently absently Absentment absentminded
absented absenting absently absents absentee absentee's absentees absenteeism absentia absentminded absinthe absolute absoluteness absolution absolutely absolutes
absented. absenting. absently. absents. absolute. absolutely. absented, absenting, absently, absents absolutes. absolution. absorb. absorbs. absurd. absurdly. abu. abu's. abundant. abuse. academic. academics. academies
absented: absentee absenteeism absenteeism absenteeisms . absenting: absently absentminded absentmindedly absentmindedness absents absent distal clavicle
absented absenting absently absents absolute absolutely absolutes absolution absorb absorbs absurd absurdly abu abu's abundant academic academics
absented absented absented absentee absentee absentee ballot . absenting absently absently absently Absentment absentminded . absents absents absents Absess tooth ABSET
absented absenting absently absents absolem absolute absolutely absolutes absolution abu abu's academic academics academies academy accelerate accelerated accelerates
absented absented absented absentee absentee absentee ballot . absenting absently absently absently Absentment absentminded . absents absents absents Absess tooth ABSET
absent adjective (NOT PAYING ATTENTION) absent preposition; absent verb; absent-minded adjective; absentee noun; absentee ballot noun; absentee landlord noun; absently adverb
absented ferngeblieben. absenting fernbleibend. absently abwesend. absents bleibt_fern. absolute absolut. absolute voellig. absolutely vollstaendig. absorb aufnehmen
absented absenting absently absents absolute absolutely absolutes absolution absorb absorbs absurd absurdly abu abu's abundant academic academics academies academy
(redirected from absenting) . Fred absented himself from the meeting, which he was . absently absently absently Absentment absentminded absentmindedly
. abscond absconded absconding absconds absence absence's absences absent absented absentee absentee's absenteeism absentees absentia absenting absently absentminded absents absinthe .
Berichte und Reportagen aus Wien. Der freie Journalist Alexander Gl�ck bietet seine Mitarbeit an - f�r Feuilletons, Fachzeitschriften und SpecialInterest-Magazine.
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